Trek Las Vegas Kayaking
Tours and Rentals

Explore Hidden Gems and Iconic Landmarks Your Way.

Welcome to Trek Las Vegas Kayaking Tours and Rentals

Trek Las Vegas Kayaking Tours and Rentals is your premier destination for unforgettable water adventures just outside of Henderson and Las Vegas, NV! Embark on an exhilarating journey with us as we guide you through the breathtaking beauty of aquatic landscapes. Whether you're a seasoned paddler or a first-time adventurer, we have the perfect experience tailored just for you. We offer a wide range of kayak tours and rentals to suit every preference and skill level. Dive into the tranquility of solo exploration with our kayak rentals, allowing you to chart your own course and discover hidden gems along the serene waters. Or, for those seeking camaraderie and shared experiences, join one of our kayak tours, where you'll forge lasting memories with fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

As the leading kayak tour agency in the area, we take pride in delivering exceptional guided kayak tours led by experienced professionals. Our knowledgeable guides will lead you on immersive journeys, providing fascinating insights into the local ecosystem and history while ensuring your safety and enjoyment every step of the way.

For those craving a more intimate experience, our private kayak tours offer the ultimate personalized adventure. Whether it's a romantic outing for two or a family escapade, let us create a custom itinerary tailored to your preferences, ensuring an unforgettable excursion you'll cherish for years to come. As a trusted kayak tour operator, safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. We equip you with top-of-the-line gear and provide comprehensive safety briefings before each excursion, giving you peace of mind to fully immerse yourself in the wonders of nature. Book your adventure today, and let the journey begin!


Boulder City, NV

Henderson, NV

Lake Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas, NV



Whether you're a solo adventurer craving solitude or part of a group seeking spontaneous exploration, our kayak rentals are the perfect choice for a day of outdoor fun.



Discover the ultimate group adventure with Trek Las Vegas Kayaking Tours and Rentals, a kayak tour agency specializing in unforgettable guided kayak tours just outside of Henderson in Las Vegas, NV...